Competitions bring out the best or worst in some of us. Days leading up to the competition can be nerve-racking, hectic, and tiresome. During this time, it’s important to tune in and keep youreye focused on what lies ahead of you. Here are a few tips on how to prepare for your nextsport’s competition:
Stay Focused
Days leading up to your competition is the time to be focused the most. Getting distracted can negatively impact your performance, which can cost you the competition. Meditation is an essential tool that can help you stay focused before your competition; meditation has differentforms, so it’s important to choose a method that works best for you.
For example, if you like writing, don’t be scared to write down some aspiring words for yourself the night or morning before your competition. Other forms of meditation can be through listening to your favorite podcast, reading, or listening to music. The goal of meditation is to eliminate distractions from your environment to focus on things that matter; Doing this before a competition can help you focus and prepare your mind mentally for your upcoming competition.
Eat Carbs
Before heading off to a competition, it’s important to fuel your body with nutrients and vitamins. Research suggests that eating dinner and breakfast that is high in carbs is the best way to replenish the body with the energy needed before a competition. Carbs keep the body at a higher energy level compared to different types of foods. Also, the glucose found in carbs has been shown to help improve memory before a performance. Make sure to eat at least three hours before your competition to give the body enough time for proper digestion.
Sleep Early and Relax Your Body
A few days leading up to your competition, make sure your body is receiving enough rest. The body needs an adequate amount of sleep for recovery and rest. Rest is important before a competition because if your body is worn out, your performance levels will ultimately correlate with this. Massages are a great technique to relax your body before a competition. This technique helps relieve tensions from the muscles in the body, which ultimately helps promote relaxation and sleep in the body. Furthermore, before your competition, try not to work out the body so much. Doing this can make the muscles sore and leave the body feeling drained before a competition.