Full Name:
Ashley Thornton


Age…It’s just a number


Bend, Oregon 


Gnu Snowboards, Bent Metal, Nikita Clothing, Smith Optics, Mt. Bachelor, Boneyard Elixir

Years snowboarding:

18 years

Years using CBD:

About 18 years, same amount of time as I have been on a snowboard.

How BONEYARD ELIXIR helps during and after snowboarding:

Boneyard Elixir is such an awesome beverage for on and off the hill. Instead of drinking an alcoholic beverage and shredding, Boneyard Elixir is such a great replacement for me to stay 100 percent on my game. I love that I have a beverage that is healthy and helps me quench my thirst. I love the taste and the way they make me feel. They also cure a hang over like nothing else I have ever tried. For those nights you do get wild. The CBD Elixir does the trick the next day. 

Plans for the next year:

To be Happy and Healthy and shred like there is no tomorrow.